Members list
Type members
A message that wraps another message with a sender address and a recipient address.
A message that wraps another message with a sender address and a recipient address.
Type parameters
- A
the type of the address
- M
the type of the wrapped message
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Known subtypes
abstract class BufferAddressedEnvelope[A <: SocketAddress, T <: BufferAddressedEnvelope[A, T]](message: Buffer, recipient: A, sender: Option[A]) extends DefaultAddressedEnvelope[Buffer, A]
Base class for addressed envelopes that have Buffer instances as messages.
Base class for addressed envelopes that have Buffer instances as messages.
Type parameters
- A
The type of socket address used for recipient and sender.
- T
The concrete sub-type of this class, used for implementing send.
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Known subtypes
class DatagramPacket
class DefaultAddressedEnvelope[M, A <: SocketAddress](val message: M, val recipient: A, val sender: Option[A]) extends AddressedEnvelope[M, A]
The default AddressedEnvelope implementation.
The default AddressedEnvelope implementation.
Type parameters
- A
the type of the address
- M
the type of the wrapped message
- Supertypes
- Known subtypes
class DatagramPacket
In this article