Members list
Type members
Abstract class of file channel and network channel.
Abstract class of file channel and network channel.
- Companion
- object
- Supertypes
trait QueueMapEntitytrait ChannelStatetrait CompressionBooleanLongtrait Channeltrait ChannelAddressclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
- Known subtypes
class AbstractFileChannelclass NioFileChannelclass AbstractNetworkChannelclass AbstractDatagramChannelclass NioDatagramChannelclass AbstractServerChannelclass NioServerSocketChannelclass AbstractSocketChannelclass NioSocketChannelShow all
- Companion
- class
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Self type
- Supertypes
class AbstractNetworkChannelclass AbstractChanneltrait QueueMapEntitytrait ChannelStatetrait CompressionBooleanLongtrait Channeltrait ChannelAddressclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
- Known subtypes
class NioDatagramChannel
Abstract channel for file, support aio.
Abstract channel for file, support aio.
- Supertypes
class AbstractChanneltrait QueueMapEntitytrait ChannelStatetrait CompressionBooleanLongtrait Channeltrait ChannelAddressclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
- Known subtypes
class NioFileChannel
- Companion
- object
- Supertypes
class AbstractChanneltrait QueueMapEntitytrait ChannelStatetrait CompressionBooleanLongtrait Channeltrait ChannelAddressclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
- Known subtypes
class AbstractDatagramChannelclass NioDatagramChannelclass AbstractServerChannelclass NioServerSocketChannelclass AbstractSocketChannelclass NioSocketChannelShow all
- Companion
- class
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Self type
- Supertypes
class AbstractNetworkChannelclass AbstractChanneltrait QueueMapEntitytrait ChannelStatetrait CompressionBooleanLongtrait Channeltrait ChannelAddressclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
- Known subtypes
class NioServerSocketChannel
- Supertypes
class AbstractNetworkChannelclass AbstractChanneltrait QueueMapEntitytrait ChannelStatetrait CompressionBooleanLongtrait Channeltrait ChannelAddressclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
- Known subtypes
class NioSocketChannel
The AbstractChannel in Reactor
The AbstractChannel in Reactor
- Supertypes
trait ChannelStatetrait CompressionBooleanLongtrait UnsafeChannelclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
- Known subtypes
class AbstractNioUnsafeChannel[C]class NioUnsafeDatagramChannelclass NioUnsafeSocketChannelclass NioUnsafeFileChannel
- Companion
- object
- Supertypes
- Known subtypes
trait DatagramChannelclass AbstractChannelclass AbstractFileChannelclass NioFileChannelclass AbstractNetworkChannelclass AbstractDatagramChannelclass NioDatagramChannelclass AbstractServerChannelclass NioServerSocketChannelclass AbstractSocketChannelclass NioSocketChanneltrait ServerChannelShow all
An interface for Channel used in Actor
An interface for Channel used in Actor
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Known subtypes
trait Channeltrait DatagramChannelclass AbstractChannelclass AbstractFileChannelclass NioFileChannelclass AbstractNetworkChannelclass AbstractDatagramChannelclass NioDatagramChannelclass AbstractServerChannelclass NioServerSocketChannelclass AbstractSocketChannelclass NioSocketChanneltrait ServerChannelShow all
- Self type
A RuntimeException which is thrown when an I/O operation fails.
A RuntimeException which is thrown when an I/O operation fails.
- Supertypes
class RuntimeExceptionclass Exceptionclass Throwabletrait Serializableclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
- Known subtypes
class ChannelPipelineException
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
Handles an I/O event or intercepts an I/O operation, and forwards it to its next handler in its ChannelPipeline. ===The context object=== A ChannelHandler is provided with a ChannelHandlerContext object. A ChannelHandler is supposed to interact with the ChannelPipeline it belongs to via a context object. Using the context object, the ChannelHandler can pass events upstream or downstream, modify the pipeline dynamically, or store the information (using AttributeKeys) which is specific to the handler. ===State management=== A ChannelHandler often needs to store some stateful information. The simplest and recommended approach is to use member variables:
Handles an I/O event or intercepts an I/O operation, and forwards it to its next handler in its ChannelPipeline. ===The context object=== A ChannelHandler is provided with a ChannelHandlerContext object. A ChannelHandler is supposed to interact with the ChannelPipeline it belongs to via a context object. Using the context object, the ChannelHandler can pass events upstream or downstream, modify the pipeline dynamically, or store the information (using AttributeKeys) which is specific to the handler. ===State management=== A ChannelHandler often needs to store some stateful information. The simplest and recommended approach is to use member variables:
trait Msg {
// your methods here
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Known subtypes
trait Byte2ByteDecodertrait Byte2ByteCodecclass ByteToByteCodecclass SslHandlerclass ByteToByteDecoderclass Base64Decodertrait Byte2ByteEncoderclass ByteToByteEncoderclass Base64Encodertrait Byte2MessageDecoderclass ByteToMessageCodecclass ByteToMessageDecoderclass ByteArrayDecoderclass StringDecoderclass FixedLengthFrameDecodertrait Message2ByteEncoderclass MessageToByteEncoderclass ByteArrayEncoderclass LineEncoderclass StringEncodertrait Message2MessageDecodertrait Message2MessageCodectrait Message2MessageEncoderclass ChannelHandlerAdapterclass ChannelInitializer[C]class IdleStateHandlerShow all
- Supertypes
- Known subtypes
class ByteToByteCodecclass SslHandlerclass ByteToByteDecoderclass Base64Decoderclass ByteToByteEncoderclass Base64Encoderclass ByteToMessageCodecclass ByteToMessageDecoderclass ByteArrayDecoderclass StringDecoderclass FixedLengthFrameDecoderclass MessageToByteEncoderclass ByteArrayEncoderclass LineEncoderclass StringEncoderShow all
- Supertypes
- Known subtypes
- Companion
- object
- Supertypes
trait ChannelHandlerContexttrait ChannelInboundInvokertrait ChannelOutboundInvokerclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
- Companion
- class
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Self type
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Known subtypes
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Self type
A special ChannelHandler which offers an easy way to initialize a Channel once it was registered to its ChannelsActor. Implementations are most often used in the context of ChannelsActor.handler, to setup the ChannelPipeline of a Channel.
A special ChannelHandler which offers an easy way to initialize a Channel once it was registered to its ChannelsActor. Implementations are most often used in the context of ChannelsActor.handler, to setup the ChannelPipeline of a Channel.
class MyChannelInitializer extends ChannelInitializer[Channel] {
override protected def initChannel(ch: Channel): Unit = {
ch.pipeline.addLast("myHandler", new MyHandler())
Be aware that this class is marked as isSharable and so the implementation must be safe to be re-used
Type parameters
- C
A sub-type of Channel
- Supertypes
- Companion
- object
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Known subtypes
class NioChannelOption[T]
- Companion
- class
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Self type
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Known subtypes
Used to fail pending writes when a channel's output has been shutdown.
Used to fail pending writes when a channel's output has been shutdown.
- Supertypes
class IOExceptionclass Exceptionclass Throwabletrait Serializableclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
- Supertypes
- Known subtypes
class ChannelPipelineImpl
A ChannelException which is thrown when a ChannelPipeline failed to execute an operation.
A ChannelException which is thrown when a ChannelPipeline failed to execute an operation.
- Supertypes
class ChannelExceptionclass RuntimeExceptionclass Exceptionclass Throwabletrait Serializableclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
- Companion
- object
- Supertypes
trait ChannelPipelinetrait ChannelOutboundInvokertrait ChannelInboundInvokerclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
- Companion
- class
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Self type
The direction of a shutdown. Depending on the direction this has different meaning. If the Inbound direction is shutdown, no more data is read from the transport and dispatched. If the Outbound direction is shutdown, no more writes will be possible to the transport and so all writes will fail.
The direction of a shutdown. Depending on the direction this has different meaning. If the Inbound direction is shutdown, no more data is read from the transport and dispatched. If the Outbound direction is shutdown, no more writes will be possible to the transport and so all writes will fail.
- Supertypes
trait Enumtrait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalsclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
A trait for manage lifecycle for Channel
A trait for manage lifecycle for Channel
- Companion
- object
- Supertypes
- Known subtypes
class AbstractChannelclass AbstractFileChannelclass NioFileChannelclass AbstractNetworkChannelclass AbstractDatagramChannelclass NioDatagramChannelclass AbstractServerChannelclass NioServerSocketChannelclass AbstractSocketChannelclass NioSocketChannelclass AbstractUnsafeChannelclass AbstractNioUnsafeChannel[C]class NioUnsafeDatagramChannelclass NioUnsafeSocketChannelclass NioUnsafeFileChannelShow all
- Companion
- trait
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Self type
Combines the inbound handling of one ChannelHandler with the outbound handling of another ChannelHandler.
Combines the inbound handling of one ChannelHandler with the outbound handling of another ChannelHandler.
- Companion
- object
- Supertypes
- Companion
- class
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Self type
- Supertypes
class ConnectExceptionclass SocketExceptionclass IOExceptionclass Exceptionclass Throwabletrait Serializableclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
Default FileRegion implementation which transfer data from a FileChannel or File. Be aware that the FileChannel will be automatically closed once FileRegion.refCnt returns 0.
Default FileRegion implementation which transfer data from a FileChannel or File. Be aware that the FileChannel will be automatically closed once FileRegion.refCnt returns 0.
Value parameters
- count
the number of bytes to transfer
- position
the position from which the transfer should start
- Supertypes
trait FileRegionclass AbstractReferenceCountedtrait ReferenceCountedclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
A region of a file that is sent via a Channel which supports zero-copy file transfer.
A region of a file that is sent via a Channel which supports zero-copy file transfer.
=== Upgrade your JDK / JRE ===
java.nio.channels.FileChannel.transferTo has at least four known bugs in the old versions of Sun JDK and perhaps its derived ones. Please upgrade your JDK to 1.6.0_18 or later version if you are going to use zero-copy file transfer.
- 5103988
- FileChannel.transferTo() should return -1 for EAGAIN instead throws IOException
- 6253145
- FileChannel.transferTo() on Linux fails when going beyond 2GB boundary
- 6427312
- FileChannel.transferTo() throws IOException "system call interrupted"
- 6470086
- FileChannel.transferTo(2147483647, 1, channel) causes "Value too large" exception
=== Check your operating system and JDK / JRE ===
If your operating system (or JDK / JRE) does not support zero-copy file transfer, sending a file with FileRegion might fail or yield worse performance. For example, sending a large file doesn't work well in Windows.
=== Not all transports support it ===
- Supertypes
trait ReferenceCountedclass Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Known subtypes
class DefaultFileRegion
A Channel that accepts an incoming connection attempts and creates its child Channels by accepting them. A ServerChannel does not allow the following operations and so will throws Exception of these operations:
A Channel that accepts an incoming connection attempts and creates its child Channels by accepting them. A ServerChannel does not allow the following operations and so will throws Exception of these operations:
- connect(SocketAddress)
- disconnect()
- write(Object)
- flush()
- shutdown(ChannelShutdownDirection)
- Supertypes
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Known subtypes
class AbstractUnsafeChannelclass AbstractNioUnsafeChannel[C]class NioUnsafeDatagramChannelclass NioUnsafeSocketChannelclass NioUnsafeFileChanneltrait NioUnsafeChannelShow all